Youtube is full of excellent tutorials. I am a big fan of learning
You may be wondering what's changed in the last year. Your commute. It's how empty the train is currently heading to work. One hour train ride used to be full of people. There are now only 12 people per train. Everyone works remotely or from their homes. This is another travesty of the pandemic. It turned out that I could not work remotely. My job involves hands on training using equipment that is accessible remotely and cannot be brought outside to take home. I work at home remotely.
I have gone into many tutorials as well as various manuals to ensure my private as one of a few train riders. This website is mostly filled with tuts on diverse topics. It starts by drawing a circular shadow using Adobe Photoshop and ends with creating a variety of effects and rendering 3D models using chrome and reflections. It's hard to recreate certain effects at home. Although it is completely computer-related, I apologise for any confusion. yt mp4 I'm still not learning how Ikea furniture fits together, or how to improve customer service.
Although I was taught to grout tile on walls and floor 12 years back, it is still an art that I've learned. I learned all this through YouTube tutorials and videos. My bathroom has been amazing with brand new walls, floors plumbing fixtures, new floor bords and all new stuff. The bathroom is amazing and I am amazed at how much it has improved. It is the most amazing feeling in all of the world. This is what I have. It took me 8 years to accomplish everything. I was alone, and I learned while I learned. About 2 dozen tiles were damaged when I realized that tile needs to be scored. Specially designed angular breakers must be used to create breaks in tiles along cut lines. When it finally worked it was a great help to cut shorter and more narrow tile pieces..

I would use the Youtube video downloader website to download an MP4 file to the laptop. I would then place it in the bathroom and start playing video, while trying to apply the skills I had accumulated to this task. Nowadays, I use the same method with my Ipad, I bring it with on trains and go through incredible tutorials that keep me extremely entertained during long hours of train travel. CSS has become my ally and I have no fear of it. I've learned how to kick someone like a ninja when they're not expecting it. I learned many useful ecommerce tips from him and his channel. I'm eager to test them at the comfort of my home.
Vimeo and Dailymotion both have quite a few great educational videos. If you don't think video is important you can convert them to mp3 and make podcasts from these. You can also copy them to your computer as MP4 files. Then, you can pretend you are presenting a lesson. Remember that the downloaded files will be in your browser downloads folder, most browsers save files to desktop or open folder by shortcut combination, or maybe you'd like to take a break. Yes, I do.